
Ask Janet

Ask Janet a question about career, love or money.

Meet with Janet

If you feel confused or you are in need in-depth guidance, please call the office or email us. We’ll be happy to get you scheduled for an in-person or online consultation to address your needs.

Book Janet for an Event

Give your guests a unique experience, book Janet for your upcoming event or party.

Life Coaching

Coaching with Janet offers you the experience and accuracy that could only be provided through a gifted intuitive with decades of experience.

Wedding Officiant

Janet Amid, a certified Wedding Officiant, performs a wedding ceremony that’s uniquely yours.

Astrocartography Forecast

Astrocartography is an astrological relocation profile. It can literally help give location to opportunities that may help you find your destiny.

Profile Booklets

Our profile booklets are printed booklets, based on birth information, that help you to define whatever your specific need is. They’re fun, insightful, informative, and make excellent gifts or keepsakes.