Monthly Zodiac
The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.”– S. Brown
March 2025 ~
Dear Readers,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PISCES - For all you Pisces out there, the month of March brings a mix of emotional and practical shifts. The full moon in Virgo directly opposing your own sign may highlight relationship dynamics, bringing unresolved issues to the surface. This is the time to reflect on how you connect with others and address any issues that may occur. Meanwhile Venus retrograding your personal house of money could spark changes in your financial landscape. You might find yourself reassessing spending habits, rethinking investments or encountering unexpected shifts in income. Approach both, relationships and finances with patience and clarity.
JUPITER, THE PLANET OF CHANCE, NOW DIRECT IN GEMINI - Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, expansion now direct since, Feb 4, 2025. After a period of retrograde, this shift signifies a time of forward momentum in areas chat, networking and social interactions. Gemini is a sign that highlights intellectual pursuits, social connection, and diversity. This is a now a good time to embrace new thoughts, new goals, exploring multiple opportunities. Those affected are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, ad Pisces
FULL MOON IN VIRGO - MARCH 14- This months Full Moon in Virgo can be a difficult one as it conflicts with the opposition of the transiting Sun in Pisces. We may sense an edginess in the work place as well, as with those we are connected to personally. In the earthy sign of Virgo, the sign of self-care, details, health, organizing, discernment, perfection, service, work, and the details of life. Virgo is an Earth sign, and is very much orientated around reality in the physical world. It is opposite the Sun in Pisces a more mystical and spiritual sign, dreamy-lie and more tuned in to the unconscious. Pisces also is a creative and right brained energy which can also be elusive, while Virgo is more linear and matter of fact. At this Full Moon, these two energies are in a tug-of-war with each other. This period could be a time to turn your dreams into something real and tangible. It could also mean discerning or releasing anything that seems unrealistic or delusional.
VENUS, THE PLANET OF LOVE & MONEY, RETROGRADE MARCH 2, 2025- APRIL 12,2025 - The planet of love represents our values, relationship needs, beauty, romance, desires and the way we give and receive love. Approximately every two years, Venus moves into retrograde, offering an opportunity to reflect on these themes. During this time Venus retrograde often brings unresolved desires, shifting attitudes, relationship challenges, and a fresh perspective on our value system to the surface. As Venus retrogrades in assertive, self reliant Aries, a celestial event unfolds, stirring emotions and introducing challenges within the relationships. Known for its fiery and independent nature, Venus inspires us to embark on a bold and transformational journey during this retrograde. This energy encourages us to confront issues with courage, redefine our priorities, and embrace a more authentic expression of love and self-worth. Moving into Pisces on March 28, it will then soften the edges quite a bit.
MERCURY, PLANET OF REASON, RETROGRADE, IN ARIES, MARCH 14, 2025 - Mercury, the planet of reason moves into aggressive, stimulating, fiery Aries -The sign of the Ram is not known for being cautious with words. So when the planet of communications comes to visit, it will influence your conversations. The sign of Aries can be passionate, much to the point. Being blunt is somewhat expected. While frank speech can be a breath of fresh air, if not expressed well it can backfire. So when the planet of communications comes to visit, in strong-willed Aries, it will influence your interactions considerably. Friends, family member, & coworkers will not be immune to this transit. Expect them to voice their opinions and not pull any punches. Yet, keep in mind that bold and blunt talk can be a welcomed opportunity. It gives everyone a chance to speak his or her piece, while communicating honestly. Feathers may get ruffled, but in the long run it is for the best
NEW MOON IN ARIES, MARCH 29 - The New Moon in Aries, March 29 signals the true beginning of Spring. Although the New Moon in Aries provides motivation and determination, it also cautions you to slow down and pace yourself. As its influence is tied to Mars (ruler Aries) the planet of action. The driving force of Aries yearns for total freedom, however there too many obstacles and blockages to get around it. On the flip side, a New Moon always signals a period of rebirth, new ideas, shifting gears in the right direction. This is a most favorable time to do some therapeutic spring cleaning, to start a new health regimen, or just begin a project that has been on your back burner.
FEB 19 - MARCH 20- SUN IN PISCES - Time for nostalgia. Sun in Pisces - The magic of the Sun in Pisces is that of illusion as well as living in a nostalgic world. Career success, increased recognition for your talents and efforts, and a focus on close personal partnerships is what 2022 - tweak is about for you. It's an exciting year ahead--one in which you receive rewards for what you do best. Strengthening close ties with a special someone is likely. In the last few months of the year, we have all felt the need to take stock of our own abilities. This is the time to increase our responsibilities if not for ourselves, then for those we care about. Time to pay it forward. A sensitive month as well as a period deep emotion and sentiment. If you're born under Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces or Gemini, you may feel the shift.. A very good time to reminiscence, to catch up on old friends, to sit back and prepare for Spring
Aries (March 21 - April 19) - For most of you Aries out there, the month of March is creating a cosmic shake up, bringing a whirlwind of celestial activity that's bound to stir things up for you. With Venus and Mercury, both retrograding in your own sign it's time to reflect on relationships, both work and play, your self-worth, and how you express love - not just to others, but to yourself. In addition, with Mercury retrograde, misunderstandings and impulsive words are likely to occur, so take a step back before speaking out. Additionally, you might find yourself revisiting old connections or rethinking matters of the past. As if that wasn't enough this month's powerful Full Moon in Virgo on the 14th, will highlight matters related to daily routines such as health and work-life balance. Take it in stride, and coast if you can. .
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - Venus and Mercury in retrograde in the sign of Aries is activating your subconscious thought, bringing hidden emotions and unresolved issues to the surface. Connections may feel murky and past misunderstandings could surface. Use this time to pause, reflect and connect with your inner voice before making any major huge decisions. This can be a powerful time for inner reflection as well as emotional healing. To add to this, the Full Moon could target matters of the heart, as new or existing relationships may feel unsettled. Trust your gut, and go with the flow.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - This month, with both Venus and Mercury in retrograde, your area of friendships and group dynamics may feel unpredictable at this time. Reassess your social connections, review your dance card, and think about creating and manifesting a sound support system for yourself. At this time, with Mercury in retrograde, you may find yourself to be more particular than usual. Trust your inner voice. Don't assume. Also, with the Full Moon in your area of home; family dynamics could feel overwhelming. Take a deep breath.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - With Venus and Mercury in retrograde at your mid-heaven, you could experience shifts in your career or public image. This could be a good time time to create a plan of action, regarding professional goals and how they align with your personal values. Be cautious with work-place relationships and avoid making major career moves until Venus and Mercury go direct. This can be a strong cycle, as long as you are deliberate with your actions as well as motives.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) - A 9th house Venus and Mercury retrograde may have you considering your educational or spiritual path. It's a great time to reflect on your life philosophy, reexamining your path, but avoid making any major changes until after Mercury moves direct ( March 15), and Venus shifts ( April 13) direct. This is a time to plan accordingly, perhaps redesigning your goals.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) - During this time as both planets retrograde, Mercury being your ruling planet, there could be issues relating to shared resources, intimacy, financial entanglements, and or speculation? So avoid making any major money shifts until the end of the cycle, preferably April 13. This is however a good time to research, revisit past patterns, and reassess. You may feel a bit overwhelmed, though in the end, a sense of relief, as always, you will come out ahead of the game.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) - Relationships at this time, are under the spotlight, as you may have a need/desire to revisit former partners, or even reassess the inner dynamics of current relationships. Focus, on healthy conversations, clear dialog, and a more balanced outlook. A very good time to for you to look at partnerships from the inside out. Regain yourself, and as always keep yourself in check.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) - Daily routines, habits, work connections, are under the spotlight as Venus and Mercury retrograde, bringing to light a stronger need to prioritize. Self care and being mindful of your own needs is paramount at this time. Take time out for reflection much needed. Not the best time to start a diet or health regimen, but a very good cycle to plan accordingly.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) - Matters of the heart come into focus as new or existing relationships take center stage. You may feel a sudden need to reconnect with former partners, or even feeling the temptation to rekindle what you thought was over. Think before jumping in. Also, this may be a time when you feel the urge to focus on your creativity, a good time delve, and create.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) - At this time family matters, home life may need more of your attention as you find yourself making major decisions. This is a good time to review on how to resolve old family conflicts, or even to reconsider your living situation, though avoid making any major moves. Give yourself time to settle in to the aspects as they transit you. You may also feel very nostalgic at this time, as retrogrades bring to light a time to introspect, sometimes on the past.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) - Communication may feel strained or unsettling as both Mercury and Venus retrograde your area of chat. You may at this time, feel a sense of confusion, though clearly, it may just be your need to reflect more on what you are saying, and trying to match emotion with words. If possible, be aware before signing any contracts, and be extra careful when traveling. Though retrogrades can cause delays, in Aries, in sync with your own sign can be helpful, yet still a time to be cautious as well as aware.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) - Your sense of security, both financially as well as emotionally comes into question at this time as Venus and Mercury retrograde your area of resources. Take time to reassess your spending habits, focusing on what you need as opposed to what you think you want. Avoid any major purchases, if possible until after April 13.
Janet Amid is a columnist & radio/media personality, who write for The Toledo City Paper, and can be heard Monday mornings 8:10 AM to 8:20 AM with Jerry, Suzi, and Paul on 93.5 FM. Text or call 419-240-1935, taking your astrological questions/requests!
~Janet writes can be reached by phone or text @ 419-882-5510 or e-mail at